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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Boko Haram's Latest Attacks: Kano On Fire

 Kano city went on fire Tuesday evening as terrorists suspected to be members of Boko Haram invaded a Police Station and Prison Yard at Dala Local Government Area, near Ishyaku Rabiu House.

As at the time of filing in this report, multiple explosions and sporadic gunshots are still being heard within the area. We learnt from security sources that there are huge casualties involving civilians, security men and the terrorists.
Residents of the area are trapped inside their homes as bullets and explosions continue to rent the air.

“We are hearing multiple sounds of explosions followed with shootings. As I am speaking with you now, there is frightening sounds of gunshots. We could not ascertain where the shots and bombings are coming from.
“People who left for the day’s business could not come back home, while some of us inside our homes are trapped. No one goes out or comes in. Children and women are wailing. It is a terrific situation,” a resident said on phone.

According to security sources, over 20 Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) were planted within the area..
 “we were very surprise at the attack, but I want to assure you that we are on top of the situation. As I am speaking to you now, we are taking them on a deadly shoot out. There is heavy reinforcement of the Joint Security Task Force. -JTF Officer

“Over 15 Hilux of our men have cordoned off the area. We want them and they must surrender. We are not taking chances. They must be brought down to their knees.”
AFP initially reported that the gunmen with explosives attacked a Nigerian police station at Goron Dutse.
An AFP journalist heard five blasts and saw smoke in the area of the police station. The explosions later halted, and the extent of the damage remained unclear as well as if there were casualties.

Kano, Nigeria’s second city and the largest in the north, was the site of Boko Haram’s deadliest attack yet, when coordinated bombings and shootings left at least 185 people dead in January.
Since then, another 45 people have been been killed, including a retired police deputy inspector general.

The Islamist group’s insurgency, concentrated in Nigeria’s mainly Muslim north, has killed more than 1,000 people since mid-2009.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wat a shame for nigeria, kano a once peaceful, economical city has been turn to battle zone.

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