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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Nigerian Prostitutes Rescued In Ireland

The national police service of Ireland, has rescued 12 trafficking victims and identified the organisers of the biggest prostitution and human-trafficking ring operating in Ireland.

According to an investigation into human trafficking carried out, the Gardai uncovered a prostitution racket run jointly by Irish and Nigerian criminals for the past three-and-a-half years.
Gardai raided the house after they got information that some Nigerian women were living there without the knowledge of the relevant authorities.

One woman claimed she had earned €44, 300 (N9 million) working as a prostitute and had given half of that directly to her controller, while the rest went on rent and bills and a large chunk of the profits had been wired back to Nigeria through Western Union.

According to reports gathered by the Gardai, the criminal gangs were using voodoo rituals performed by local witch doctors hired by the gangs, to traffic young women into Ireland who would be exploited as prostitutes.
The victims were forced into prostitution and put to work in brothels, earning huge profits for the gang controlling the racket.

The gang was targeted under Operation Mast, led by the human-trafficking investigation and co-ordination unit within the Garda National Immigration Bureau.

Meanwhile, the US State Department has ranked Ireland top in meeting their obligation to tackle human trafficking(dailytimes).

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