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Monday, October 15, 2012

David Mark For 2015 - Northern Youths Endorsed Him For Presidency

Coming on the heels of his endorsement by the League of Idoma Professors (LIP), Senate President, David Mark  has again being endorsed by the youth wing of the Arewa Consultative Forum as its candidate for the 2015 Presidential election.

The group under the aegis of the  Arewa Youth Alliance for Democracy said Mark’s endorsement is unconnected to his leadership quality in the Senate.
National Coordinator of the group, Alhaji Ahmed Muhammed,  during a media chat in Kaduna on Sunday said that Mark had brought stability and respect to the Senate “through his leadership dexterity, political sagacity and maturity”.

He said, “It thus behoves on us to jointly complement and inspire our renewed match towards greatness thus deepening democracy, instituting good governance, credible leadership which is almost becoming extinct.
“While many may prepare or aspire in the spirit of Nigerianess, we thus crave for the imposition of values such as integrity, vision and patriotism. Here in lies the relevance and appropriateness of David Mark.
He  was  a minister and former military governor of Niger State.

He had served Nigeria in different capacities at both local and international level and he is still serving tirelessly. As a governor and minister, he performed creditably well and left an indelible and enviable foot print in the annals of national leadership “As President of Senate, he brought stability, and respect to the senate.

Through his leadership dexterity, political sagacity and maturity,he earned respect for Nigeria as a result of the smooth and commendable relationship between the Senate and the executive.
It would be recalled that the middle belt youth recently in Lagos endorsed the Okpokpowulu of Idomaland for the number one seat in 2015

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