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Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Goldie Talks To Self - Suicidal?

Goldie and Prezzo were having a simple conversation, and then sudden it rose to an argument. Prezzo accused Goldie of pretending, saying that she would not have mentioned the word "voluntary exit" if she was not meaning to leave the BBA house.

Goldie then attacked Prezzo and told him that he wanted her to leave so that he would win the grand prize. She also accused Prezzo of not caring if she leaves or stays in the game.

Prezzo however denied the allegation and reminded Goldie of the day she came back from the diary room crying after her swapping him for Keitta. He added that it was not his issue but he took his responsibility, as someone who cared, but it looks like she never appreciated all this.

She told Prezzo the reason she saved him from evictions was because she cared for him and did not want to see him exit the star game. On hearing the word -eviction, Prezzo fumed and told Gooldie that he never needed her to save him; rather he wanted to see how Africa could have decided.

Goldie broke down in shock and accused Prezzo of not appreciating all her efforts and the open heart she has shown towards him. After the conversation, Prezzo left the kitchen for his bed without talking to her, then Goldie broke down in tears and started regretting all her efforts she has shown to Prezzo.
After their fight, she spent over an hour cleaning up and talking to herself about the events.
"I thank God for my mind and my heart and the grace God has given me to be able to see certain things," Goldie said.

"Someone who really cares for you never count how many times they've been nice to you so on that note, you don't really care about me," she said to herself.
Meanwhile Prezzo confided in Keitta about his relationship with Goldie. The Kenyan Housemate told Keitta how difficult it has been for him to deal with Goldie.

"It takes a big heart to deal with her. If something major would happen between us, she would die. We would need an ambulance up in here," he said.
Keitta listened to his friend as he spoke about not only the relationship, but Goldie herself.

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