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Monday, July 02, 2012

Man Beats Wife & Mother-in-law Over Wife’s Secret Child

A Binga man who had forgotten that the in-laws deserve to be respected found himself in murky waters after bashing his wife and mother-in-law. The man also demanded bride-pice back after allegedly discovering that his wife had a five-year-old ‘secret child’.

Fortunate Sibawa (33) reportedly thrashed her mother-in-law and wife after discovering that his wife Lydia Dube had kept it a secret that she had a five-year-old daughter when they got married. Sibawa was hauled before Binga magistrate, Mr Stephen , facing assault charges. He pleaded guilty to the charges saying the two had ‘defrauded’ him.

Sibawa alleged that the Dube family defrauded him in the sense that they charged him a lot of money for bride price AS IF THEIR DAUGHTER WAS A VIRGIN. It is reported that on 11 June, the accused arrived at their matrimonial home late at night from a beerhall and when his wife served him food, he refused to eat accusing her of being a liar. Sibawa told her that someone at the beerhall had told him that his wife’s supposed younger sister was in fact her daughter.

The woman tried to dismiss the ‘rumour’, but her husband turned a deaf ear and demanded that they confront his mother-in-law about the issue. Realizing that she was not winning the argument, Dube gave in and they proceeded to her parent’s homestead. Upon arrival, the furious Sibawa ordered the old woman to tell him the truth, threatening to kill them.

Trembling in fear, Dube’s mother confirmed that her daughter had a child before she married Sibawa and the issue was kept under wraps because they feared he would refuse to marry her. In a fit of rage, Sibawa thoroughly thrashed up the two. The matter was reported to the police leading to the arrest of the accused and the magistrate ordered the two women to produce medical reports as exhibit

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mmmh ladies be trthful †☺ your proposed spouse

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