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Friday, January 11, 2013

Baby Killed By Reversing Van In West Yorkshire, England

Baby Killed By Reversing Van In West Yorkshire, England - A toddler baby has died after she was hit by a BT van in a residential cul-de-sac while she was being looked after by a family friend.
Poppy Boothroyd, just 21 months old, had wandered into the road but tragically the van driver failed to see her while he was reversing. Neighbours in the close-knit cul-de-sac of modern town houses rushed out to try and help after hearing screaming. One neighbour even carried out CPR on the toddler in a brave effort to save the little girl's life.

But after being taken to hospital, the much-loved baby was pronounced dead. Poppy's distraught parents, Melissa McKay and Jordan Boothroyd, said in a statement: 'Poppy was just Poppy. She was our amazing little girl, our perfect little angel.'

Poppy, who lived with her mum in Almondbury, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, was being looked after by a family friend Jessica McDonagh on Wednesday afternoon.

The tragedy happened in St James Way, in the Rawthorpe area of the town. Miss McDonagh is thought to have been taking Poppy to a local shop when the little girl wandered into the road and was hit by the reversing Ford Transit BT van at 2.24pm.

Neighbours in the close-knit cul-de-sac of modern town houses rushed out to try and help after hearing screaming and the emergency services were called.

In the family statement her parents said: 'We are all heartbroken that she has been taken from us in such tragic circumstances. 'She was a little star and we will never forget her.' A relative of Mrs McDonagh, who asked not to be named, said: 'It all happened so fast.

'Jessica had Poppy for the day and was taking her to the shop and the park.

'As they came out she took her eye off her for a moment. It’s just terrible.'

Neighbour Lynn Marie Richardson, 41, who carried out CPR on Poppy, said: 'It was just an absolute tragedy. There was nothing we could do.'

[DailyMail UK]

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